Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Okoare Pa

Okoare Pa
Walking along the track, over to the Pa site. Scwelch, scwelch, scwelch went the mud.  I heard all along the track, ewww, yuck poo!  Okoare Pa used to be a Pa site.  A Pa site is a hill with a flat top, it had a flat top.  Maori people made a hut up the top.  It had a stream around it, at the bottom of Okoare Pa were little huts and it was made a long time ago.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

The Flight

Broom Broom the engine went. At the airport there'e were lots of people.  I got to get a big juice bottle to share with dad.  We had to go to number five to go to the aeroplane.  The conductor had two red sticks to wave.  I wobbled lot's on the ride to Australia.  A nice lady gave me some water and food to have.  The flight was bumpy.