Wednesday 30 November 2016

Mrs Cat And Mr Dog

Mrs Cat and Mr Dog live in Willa Willow street. They lived in a white cottage with two children named Hidy and Charlotte. The adults are called Kace and Leilani, Hidy is a baby, Charlotte was 2 years old. Kace always changed the nappy’s. Leilani is multi colored and Kace is black. Leilani cooked all the meals. Kace goes to the cat market to get the liver meat for the cats. Kace goes hunting for his food out in Willa Beast catching wild pigs, and stealing food from humans. They lived happily ever after.
By Anna   

Monday 28 November 2016

Dear Santa

Dear Santa
Hi my name is Anna.  Thank you for the presents last year. I’m moving back into my bedroom and I am going to move my shelf and my bed by myself. I will sort out my own bedroom. I  would really like some Shopkins and Lego and a Hatch Amol please. I hope you and your reindeer have a good journey to my house.
Love from Anna  

Harakeke Putiputi

Sunday 27 November 2016

Dad Makes Juice

Dad can make juice. Fruit juice, lemon and lime juice, watermelon juice, apple juice, pineapple juice, lemon juice, mango and passion-fruit juice, lolly juice and gum juice with no sugar.